Sunday 30 July
9:30. 14th Swim Crossing competition.
Calle LLac Maracaibo. Beach: Playa de Els Molins.
Organized by » Mayorales» (Festivity Organization Association) of Sant Roc.
Saturd 5 August
20:30. Holiday festivities proclamation, delivery of city keys and hoisting of Moor and
Christian faction banners. Plaza del Consell.
Sunday 6 August
12:00. Valencian Paella exhibition and cooking competition.
Calle Marqués de Campo. Organized by: Mayorales» of Sant Roc.
20:30h. Festive music concert by the Musical Artistic Group: Agrupació Artistica Musical
of Denia. Plaza del Consell.
Tuesday 8 August
21:30. Entry of the Christian captaincy Filá Templaris (Templar Knights Association)
Itinerary: Calle Calderón, Plaza Castell d´Olimbroi, Calle Marqués de Campo and Glorieta del País Valencià.
Thursday 10 August
21:30. Enrty or the Moor captaincy: Filà Amazigh (Amazigh Association).
Itinerary: Paseo del Saladar, Calle Diana and Calle Marqués de Campo.
Sunday 13 August
20:15. Boat landing of the Moors captain and signing of the treaty.
Port, north jetty.
Monday 14 August
12:00. Courtesy visit to the Moors and Christian Captains.
19:30. Moors and Christian Children’s Parade.
Itinerary: Plaza del Consell, Calle Diana and Calle Marqués de Campo.
Next, the entry of the music bands from the end of Calle Marqués de Campo up to
Plaza del Consell. There wilt be a joint performance of festive music compositions.
24:00. Festive Entry.
Itinerary: Plaza del Consell, Calle Diana and Calle Marqués de Campo.
Tuesday 15 August
12:00. Street Parade of the Moors and Christian Associations through the City.
18:00. Gala Street Parade of the Moors and Christians.
Itinerary: Calle La Mar, Calle Diana and Calle Marqués de Campo.
Wednesday 16 August
11 30.Solemn Mass in honour of Sant Roc (St. Roque).
Church: Iglesia de la Asunción (Plaza de la Constitució).
12:45. Harangue of Christian troops and musket battle.
Itinerary: Calle Foramur, Calle La Mar and Plaza del Consell.
19:00. Diplomatic negotiations, surrender and the miracle of the fog.
Plaza del Consell.
20:30. Solemn Procession in honour of Sant Roc.
Itinerary: Plaza de la Constitució, Calle Diana, Glorieta del País Valencià, Calle Pare
Pere, Plaza Valgamediós, Calle Loreto and Plaza de la Constitució.
21:30. Retreat Parade from the end of Calle Marqués de Campo up to Plaza del
Consell. There, the final musket firing and the end of the holiday.
00:15. Fireworks Display.
Sale of chair tickets to watch the Gala Street Parade on 15 Aug: from 7 to 12
August, from 17:00 to 20:00, in the Social Centre: Social (Calle Calderón, 4).
Saber más:
Denia Moros y Cristianos 2017, ¡queda mucho por disfrutar! Programa de las Fiestas de Moros y Cristianos en honor a San Roque
Moros y Cristianos Denia 2016 ¡espectaculares!